
Cole @ 3 3/4's

This picture pretty much sums Cole up these days.

*  He is ALL ABOUT the wii and can do it completely on his own.

*  His favorite songs right now are Good Life by One Republic and anything by Zac Brown Band.

*  He has tried lots of new foods including:  broccoli, peas, carrots, bananas, plain noodles, sweet potato fries, chocolate milk, egg whites, french toast casserole, baked beans, potato salad and more!

*  He has started rolling his eyes...not a fan.

*  He never stops talking.

*  He's into fighting, karate and shooting....also not a fan.

*  He still loves sports and is excited to play soccer in a couple of months.

*  He wears 5T shirts and pants and a size 10 shoe.  He weighs 40 pounds and is 42 inches tall.

*  He LOVES is baby sister.

*  He is funny!

*  He is kind hearted.

*  We love him.

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