I had my weekly appointment with Dr. Webster today and holy moly I was dilated to a 6 and 85% effaced. I totally thought she was going to send me home and I would be induced on the 16th. To my surprise she said, "Do you want to have a baby today or tomorrow?" What?!?! She said I was so far along that there was a concern that if I waited until my water broke or started having regular contraction that I might not make it to the hospital in time! I immediately got on the phone and RT and I decided we would have Campbell tomorrow! It is such a weird feeling knowing when she is coming. Cole was a total surprise, which I loved!
So, I went home and soaked up as much of Cole as I could. RT came home early from work and we got all the last minute things packed and charged and ready to go. We took pictures of our little family of three for the last time. We sat down with Cole and told him he was going to meet Campbell in the morning and told him how much we loved him and would still love him even when Campbell was here. I cried...a lot. Then we kissed our only child goodnight for the last time. I cried some more.

We slept the best we could and waited for morning....March 11, 2011.....our daughters Birthday!
Oh gosh, I was reading this and thinking the whole time, I would be a crying mess all day.... then I got to you saying you cried, and I started to cry! Mercy! What an extra special time this is for you guys - Campbell is beyond adorable. And please don't think it's weird when I do ALL of these same things for Jagger (the bag, shirt, the gift from sis, all of it, so so cute)! :)
Can't wait to get your new cute blog up! Just waiting on Jessica to email me back the one you picked!
I CRIED reading this entire thing. I am so very happy for you, Lyric. would love our girls to meet each other at some point. I have one week left and am feeling all the same things you described here. Congratulations to all of you and your beautiful sweet new daughter
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