
Muffin Tin Munchies: Circles and Squares

Today I started Cole's Muffin Tin Munchies. I have see these meals done on several blogs and thought I would give it a try. Cole has become a VERY picky eater so I thought if I could make his lunches fun then maybe he would try the food and maybe even like it! I also thought it would be a fun way to teach him shapes, colors, numbers, alphabet etc. by doing themed lunches!

I had so much fun thinking about and planning what his first MTM would be. I started with a pretty basic subject, Circles and Squares:From left to right, top to bottom:
- Bagel Bite
- Cheese & peanut butter cracker and cheese cubes
- Banana and peanut butter "sandwiches" with smiley faces
- Grapes cut in half
- Turkey sandwich house with cheese windows and door
- Rice Krispies Treat
- Apple juice box to drink (not pictured)

Can't wait to see what is in the muffin tin!
Checkin' it out!
What he did throughout most of lunch!
He may have only eaten the house sandwich and the cheese but at least it is a start! I also put a few toys on the table that were circles and squares and a book about shapes. We talked about the shapes and pointed them out in his lunch! I had a lot of fun doing this and hopefully Cole will eat more of it as we go along! Also, thank you to Brittney for the cool Muffin Tin Munchies logo!

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