
Colors and Shapes

We have started working with Cole on his colors and shapes and he is doing pretty well!

He loves doing his shapes puzzle and can complete the whole puzzle correctly without any help!

Last week I went to a teacher supply store and purchased this teddy bear activity. It came with 5 different colored cups with 10 matching bears for each cup {red, yellow, blue, green and purple}. To start off you are supposed to take 2 cups and have them sort the bears into their matching colored cup. After the child masters that then you add in another color and so on. When Cole is ready they can also be used for counting, adding and subtracting. We have only tried this twice so from the picture you can see we still need a little work:-)

Unrelated to the subject of shapes and colors....I am going to get rid of the passy by the end of the summer if it's the last thing I do!

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