
8 Things We Love About Cole...

Cole is 8 months old today so we thought we would share 8 of the many reasons we love Cole so much.
1. We love his belly laughs. He will get so tickled by something or someone and laugh and laugh from way deep inside his belly. You can't help but laugh right along with him.
2. We love his sweet nature. We can already tell that Cole is such a soft and gentle soul.
3. We love how he snuggles. He is our little snuggle bug. Nothing can beat the feeling of having him snuggle into you. It melts your heart.
4. We love his curiosity. He likes to watch people and examine things. He likes to touch things to see what they are like and you can just see the wheels turning in his head.
5. We love his kisses. They are full blown grab your face, pull your hair or ear, wet kisses on the check or sometimes chin.
6. We love to watch him play in the water. Whether it is in the pool or his ducky tub, he loves to splash around in the water.
7. We love how he "talks". We love hearing the sounds he comes up with.
8. We love his expressions. He has come up with some new expressions lately and they crack us up. We can't tell what they mean yet but they are definitely cute!

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