
Happy Heart Day

I, personally, am not a big Valentine's Day person.  I think the holiday is fun and I love celebrating it with my kids but I always tell my husband not to give me anything.  I would much rather receive flowers or a gift on a random Wednesday than for him to give me flowers because he is supposed to on Heart Day.  Watching my kiddos have so much fun giving and receiving Valentine's is what is most fun for RT and me.

We started the day with heart shaped donuts and candy treats!  Then we got ready for work and school and headed out the door.

 Cole passed out non-candy Valentine's this year.  Super bouncy balls!  He was pumped for school!
 After school we met my mom at my sister's house so my mom could give the kiddos their Valentine sussies.

 I started a new tradition this year (thank you Pinterest).  I gave both kids bedroom doors a "Heart Attack"!

 When daddy got home from work we ate dinner at Tupy's.  Campbell may or may not have eaten queso with a spoon for dinner.
 After dinner the kids opened their Valentine sussies from me and RT.  

 Then we indulged in our super cute cookies and cream ice cream cake for dessert!  
And even though I told him not to, I did receive a gift from my honey.  I am going to the Beyonce concert in July!  So Excited! and spoiled too:)

What a fun day we had!  I love to celebrate the big and little things as a family!

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