
iPhone Pics: Vol 7

I haven't posted my iPhone pictures since October so BEWARE....there are a lot of pictures in this post!
 Even Optimus Prime can get messy while he eats;)
 My sweet lunch date while bubba is at school

 All in a days work
 Cole thought Campbell's hair was hilarious!
 Rocking her baby
 Cheesing so hard 

 Apparently Campbell thinks we have enough money
 Poor bubba and his yucky coughs

Can you find the gun, bear, dog, arrow and the dinosaur hatching out of an egg?

 Love watching my babies sleep
 Cousins = friends for life

 Water heater leak = new water heater and carpet for Christmas....yay.

 Snacks and a show before bed
 She is like a tornado every where she goes

 It's not every day Care Flight lands in your backyard.  
 Literally in our yard
 Texas sunsets
 Rockem Sockem with Great Uncle Kent
 Cole got the flu.  Thankfully we caught it REALLY early and he was only sick for a day and a half.

 Flowers from my honey while he was out of town for work.
Checking herself out
She loves to moisturize

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