
Working Hard on the Yard

Ever since we moved into our new house I have been wanting to work on the front yard. Before we even bought the house I told RT that the front yard was going to require some major work and he agreed! This was the weekend we got it done. My dad and RT pulled the huge ugly bushes blocking the front porch. My mom pulled every single weed in the front yard! RT and my dad planted all the new bushes where the old ugly ones used to be and Annette and I planted Pansy's while Robert swept the driveway. The whole time Cole sat in his pack 'n play and played! He is such an awesome little guy!
Thank you for every one's hard work. We would still be working on it if we didn't have your help!
I can't believe I forgot to take a before picture but you can kind of see the giant, over powering bushes my dad and RT are pulling that are right in front of the entry to the house.......and now the ugly bushes are gone and have been replaced by short bushes and pretty flowers.

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