
Happy Birthday to Me and Jon

RT and I are leaving for Baltimore the morning of my birthday, June 19th, and since my brother-in-law's birthday is the day before mine we decided to celebrate them together with my family last night. We ate at Gloria's and then had cake and opened presents at my parent's house. Jon and Kori are building a house so for their birthdays they requested Lowe's gift cards to help them buy a refrigerator and washer/dryer so that is what my parents, RT and I gave Jon for his birthday. I got a really awesome digital camera from RT, my parents and my in laws. Kori and Jon gave me gold hoop earrings and a gift card to Nails Now! and I also got a necklace from Coach from my parents. Needless to say I had a great birthday!

My mom made my and I think Jon's favorite cake, red velvet with cream cheese icing. It was so moist that it was falling apart. It might not be the prettiest cake you've ever seen but it tasted amazing!

Cole with the birthday boy

Cole wanted cake too!

Camden Yard

1 comment:

katkohn23 said...

Happy belated birthday~I am so glad it was a good one!